
Palestina Solidariteit verwelkomt 2 Erasmus+ vrijwilligers

We zijn verheugd dat we binnenkort 2 internationale vrijwilligers zullen mogen verwelkomen. We zoeken vrijwilligers voor sociale media en voor een praktische toepassing in ICT. Beide vrijwilligers zullen samenwerken met onze lokale leden en activisten. 

Jongeren tussen 18 en 30 jaar kunnen zich kandidaat stellen. Mensen uit Europa of het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika zijn welkom. Als ze maar een hart voor Palestina en voor mensenrechten hebben. 

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for 2 ESC volunteers to support our work  in Belgium (Flanders). 

One volunteer for communication (writing for social media and electronic newsletter about life in Palestine) and working  with young activists in Brussels and one with a passion for  ICT  for a smartphone application project ‘Click 4 change’.

Besides the specific tasks there can be ‘one-off’ tasks within the organisation. The tasks are flexible depending on learning goals of the volunteer and the needs of the organisation.

You will be working in our office team (1 part-time staff + 2  management board) which supports the work of the movement. Since Palestina Solidariteit  is a volunteer movement, you will be working in close collaboration with motivated and enthusiastic volunteers.  

Communication and youth work volunteer: 

Writing articles and stories about daily life (cultural, social,…) in Palestine/Israel for social media and the electronic newsletter. Participate and play an active role in a group of young volunteers in Brussels that organise activities(workshops, discussion evenings, movie night, cooking workshop, dabke,…) as different ways to introduce the subject to other groups and organisations.

ICT and volunteer work

For a new campaign  we will start a project ‘Click4Change’, the project is the development of a smartphone application that can crowdsource information and map activities. We are looking for a volunteer with a passion for ICT and human rights. The volunteer will develop the application for the project and play an important role in the whole project.    

Besides the technical ICT work the volunteer will work together with volunteers during a variety of activities. 

Besides these main tasks we have a lot of other activities where the ESC volunteers will be a part of: volunteer day, volunteer weekend, new year’s reception, information stands during summer in Flanders, campaign work, selling Palestinian dates at events in weeks leading up to Ramadan, but also accompanying activists who visit institutions and the European Parliament. 


Essential for both vacancies  

  • Motivated to work with volunteers
  • Interested in learning about the Palestine movement in Belgium/Europe
  • Good English language skills
  • Independent, asking help when needed, able to propose tasks themselves
  • Good communication skills
  • wants to contribute to positive change in the world
  • Team player with a flexible attitude and plenty of humour
  • Age: below the age of 30 for the entire program

Communication and youth work volunteer:

Love for writing and storytelling knows how to do research to find and verify stories

  • Social media is your second nature
  • enjoys working and doing activities with youngsters

ICT and volunteer work

  • Passion for ICT and able to develop a smartphone application
  • Likes working and doing activities with volunteers

What do we offer?

  • A warm welcome in our movement with plenty of learning opportunities and new connections
  • A motivated team
  • A monthly fee to cover daily expenses, pocket money and accommodation in Brussel
  • 4 working days/week (30 hours) sometimes weekends and evenings
  • Work-related expenses are paid by Palestina Solidariteit vzw


Palestina Solidariteit vzw will offer a place to stay in Brussels for the volunteers.

A monthly allowance and pocket money will be given to cover the volunteer’s food expenses. As well as covering the travel costs from the volunteer’s home country to Belgium including return (beginning and end of project). 


Please send your CV and motivation letter to

Deadline for application 02/11/2020 

Selected candidates will be contacted the second week of november for a Skype meeting


PROJECT DATES: A total of 52 week(s) during the period 01/01/2021 to 01/01/2022

PROJECT LOCATION: Vierwindenstraat 60, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS FROM: East-Med region,Palestinian Territories, Europe

CONTACT: Mathias, at